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Luquito 1982

  • Città: Milano

Luquito life addicted born in an appartment in Milan (Italy). The life for him was always different and full of surprises:

"I have had the fortune to know great persons like my

beloved friend Paolo and Antonella, than being to me

neighbor they have illuminated the spirit that within

same we you have need of being regenerated. I have

carried out readings of emergent authors and engaged to

know cultures and society of the world. If you will

follow to me, dear “cyber-gulls” I will lead to you in

interest "lands". Clearly, I will not find you to eat,

but I will make you to see as the sky is composed from

a myriad of stars...

And I must to say thanks also to my brother that has

given to me the opportunity to begin follow three

great personages in the history of the motivation:

Marco Di Giovambattista, Roberto Re and Anthony


I think in this case that is more useful that people

contact me or discover me and will undersand how I am.

Now I'm how a little box: you should open this and find

my soul."

Now, is travelling around the world and always keeps in his mind and his heart all the emotions whose are energy for his life same.

Simply discovering the people, the nature, the culture, the food...and trying to store on my heart some magic moments.

Usually I use my rucksack and compass and I like to walk and talk a lot.

I like sport. I'm Capoeira fan.

I'm studying for being YOGA MASTER one day, and I'm following the buddhist religion.


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