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countryside tourism - [ Francisco]

I'm a passionate reader of dr. Herriot's books, and these made me very curious about the Dales he describes so fascinating. May anyone give me any hints about making countryside tourism there?

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anonymous (non verificato)

Sorry Francisco I can't be of any help but you made me curious about this Herriot, I have no clue about who is he, is it a poet, a novelist...?

Are you trying to organize a kind of cultural trip following the suggestions of his writings?



Ven 29/10/1999 - 15:35 Collegamento permanente



anonymous (non verificato)

In risposta a di anonymous (non verificato)

>Sorry Francisco I can't be of any
>help but you made me curious
>about this Herriot, I have no
>clue about who is he
He is an English country veterinary, who worked in the region of the Dales from about 1938 to recent days, and he describes his experience in many amusing books ("Big and small creatures", "And God created them", etc.)that have been translated in many languages. In these books he talks about the region of the Dales as an enchanting place, and makes you feel like you must absolutely visit it, sooner or later.
Anyhow, if you like animals read some of his books and you'll enjoy them. Let me know!
Bye bye

Sab 30/10/1999 - 10:22 Collegamento permanente

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